We have many different Bible study and small group opportunities for Adults, Single Adults, Intergernerational, Men, Women, Hispanic, Special Needs and 55+ Adults.
You may also download our Bible teaching brochure, located on the Publications page under Resources.
———-Adults Groups (meet Sunday)———-
RIBS, Room 609-B, Led by Russ & Cindy Swanigan
Mostly young married couples with some engaged couples. They use a variety of teaching formats.
FAMILY MATTERS, Room 326, Led by Jonathan Craighead & Jenni Ford|Young adult married couples ages 25-45 with children up to middle school age. They use a variety of teaching formats and focus on “life” issues for their age.
CELEBRATIONS, Room 101, Led Rick & Teresa McClellan
This group has a variety of ages and life stages. Most are married couples with school-age children to adult children. They use a variety of teaching formats.
CONNECTING POINT, Room 615, Led by Celeste Koon
Mostly married couples but a few are single. They are mostly “middle age” and many are grandparents. They use a variety of teaching formats.
SALT AND LIGHT, Room 509, Led by David Jobe & Ron Marsch
Diverse group of mostly married couples. Some are grandparents and some are retired. They use a variety of teaching formats.
ADULT 6, Room 506, Led by John Clardy & Cliff Jett
Diverse group of mostly married couples. Most are grandparents and most are retired. They primarily use a lecture teaching format.
ADULT 7, Room 407, Led by Curt Taggart
Mostly married couples but a few are single. Most have adult children and older grandchildren. They use a lecture teaching format.
IRWIN, Room 340, Led by Alan Wheat
Diverse group with married couples and singles. Wide range of ages represented. They use lecture teaching format.
SAINTS ALIVE, Room 401, Led by Caroline Todd
Mostly married couples or widowed. Most have older adult children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Mostly lecture teaching format.
GORDON BARNES, Room 326, Led by Sarah Barnes
Diverse group for mentally and physically challenged persons. All ages present. They use a special curriculum designed for those with special needs.
MEN’S BIBLE STUDY, Upper Room in Gym, Led by Brint Hilliard|Diverse group of men who are married and single. All ages and stages represented. They use a variety of teaching formats.
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY, Room 504, Led by Sondra Allen
Diverse group of women who are married and single. All ages and stages represented. They mostly use a lecture teaching format.
JOURNEY , Room 512, Led by Jeanie McGowan
New class that for women of all ages and stages. Most have children. Active group on many fronts. They use a variety of teaching formats.
Group for young Hispanic adults affiliated with Familia Cristiana Internacional. Most are late teens. They use a lecture teaching format.
HISPANIC ADULTS, Room 332, Led by Noah Angel
Group for Hispanic adults of all ages and stages affiliated with Familia Cristiana Internacional. They use a lecture teaching format but discussion encouraged.
———-Adult Groups (meet during the week)———-
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY, Mondays @ 7:00pm, Room 101
Women of all ages and backgrounds come together to study God’s Word and fellowship together. This group normally uses a video-based curriculum.
WOMEN’S BOOK STUDY, Tuesdays @ 9:30am, Room 101
Women who are mostly retired and/or free during the days come together to study a book by a Christian writer. This group uses a lecture teaching format.
LIFETREE CAFE, Wednesdays @ 5:45pm, Room 101
A safe place for everyone. It is full of great stories and lively conversation that will feed your soul. This group uses video-based curriculum.
PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY, Wednesdays @ 5:45pm, Fellowship Hall
Men and women of all ages and stages come together to pray and to study the Scriptures. This group has a variety of teaching formats and curriculum.
CONNECTIONS BIBLE STUDY, Fridays @ 9:15am, Room 101
Women of all ages study God’s Word and fellowship together. Limited childcare provided upon request. This group uses video-based curriculum.
MEN’S FRATERNITY, Different Times & Places, Call for Details
Men of all ages and stages come together to study God’s Word and fellowship together. This group uses video-based curriculum.
———-Single Adults———-
CROSSROADS, Room 609-A, Led by Bryan & Dulce Stevens
College age group. Attendance is sporadic because of college and work. Great discussions are encouraged. They mostly use a lecture teaching format.
AGAPE, Room 338, Led by Deborah Scott
Single parents raising children. All ages and stages are part of this group. They mostly use a lecture teaching format with lots of discussion included.
KOINONIA, Room 402, Led by Jean Lee & Ivah Scott
Mix of single adult women from all ages and stages. Pretty active group with regular fellowships and outings. They mostly use a lecture teaching format.
———-55+ Adults———-
Visit our 55+ Adult Page for a variety of opportunities for growth, service and fellowship.