Small Groups

Cotton Patch Gospel
Virtual Small Group

  • For adults of any age.
  • Sunday mornings in January at 10am.

Brian Kaylor will lead sessions on Clarence Jordan’s Cotton Patch Gospel, exploring Jesus’ teachings, the civil rights era in the deep South, and implications for Christian living in 2020.  Written in the 1960’s, the Cotton Patch Gospel is Jordan’s translation of Greek New Testament passages into English, set in the civil rights era in the deep South. It is not necessary to purchase Jordan’s book to participate in the small group.


Class Audio

Cotton Patch Gospel Week 2

Cotton Patch Gospel Week 2

Cotton Patch Gospel small group: Week 3

Cotton Patch Gospel Week 3





Cotton Patch Gospel small group: Week 4

Cotton Patch Gospel Week 4

Cotton Patch Gospel Week 5

Cotton Patch Gospel Week 5