
29 Oct

Pastor’s Pen – November 2022

Our Entrusted stewardship series centers on the truth that much is entrusted to us by God for God’s glory and the good of others. While stewardship encompasses more than our finances, our finances are an essential part of it. 

Each autumn, we plan our church budget for the coming year. Some of us get cross-eyed or simply cross with talk of numbers and budgets. But a budget invites churches, families, and individuals to assess priorities and be intentional about what is placed under our care by God. Stewardship of finances is a faith-forming practice. 

On Sunday, November 20, we will have a time of commitment in morning worship when we are invited to bring our 2023 commitment cards to the altar. These cards will be mailed to you in November, along with the proposed 2023 church budget. Your card of estimated giving for the year is confidential and not binding. It is simply an act of worship as we covenant to entrust our finances to God for God’s glory and the good of others in the coming year. 

But even as we look ahead to next year, we also focus on the current reality. We hope to end this year strong as we faithfully embody our mission of being Christ’s love and hope in Jefferson City and beyond. Your faithful generosity makes this possible. Thank you for giving. 

This congregation has seen extraordinary change in the past two years, and yet, this church’s generous and faithful DNA remains the same. I am so grateful to be part of this faith family. 

Pastor Melissa 

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