Constitution and By-Laws
Below are the Constitution and By-laws for First Baptist Church.
These documents may also be downloaded here:
First Baptist Church Constitution
First Baptist Church By-laws
Article I. Name.
Article II. Mission-Vision-Values.
Section 1. Mission.
Section 2. Vision.
Section 3. Values.
Article III. Articles of Faith.
Article IV. Membership.
Section 1. Composition.
Section 2. Transfer of letter in.
Section 3. Consideration.
Section 4. Transfer of letter out.
Section 5. Change of faith out.
Section 6. Membership expectations.
Section 7. Only members may vote.
Article V. Meetings.
Section 1. Primary church activities.
Section 2. Other church activities.
Section 3. Remote or distance attendance.
Article VI. Church Officers.
Section 1. Officers.
Section 2. Election and Duties.
A. Lead Pastor.
B. Deacons.
C. Trustees.
D. Clerk.
E. Treasurer
F. Pastoral Staff.
G. Other Officers.
H. Vacancies.
Article VII. General.
Section 1. License.
Section 2. Ordination.
Section 3. Cooperation with Associations, Conventions and Baptist Organizations.
Section 4. Property Holding.
Section 5. Endowment Fund.
Articles VIII. Adoption and Amendments.
Section 1. Adoption.
Section 2. 1963 BF&M guiding principle.
Section 3. Amendments.
Article I. Name
This body shall be known as The First Baptist Church of Jefferson City, Missouri.
Article II. Mission-Vision-Values
Section 1. Mission. The mission of the church is to honor and worship God by being an inclusive and diverse family of faith, sharing the love of Jesus Christ and empowering disciples.
Section 2. Vision. Our vision is to extend the Kingdom of God by reaching lost people and empowering godly leadership through gift-oriented ministry and Bible-centered worship and teaching.
Section 3. Values. We value:
- Fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ shaped by God’s grace and the church’s passion for culturally relevant, Bible-centered preaching and teaching.
- Gift-oriented ministry and Spirit-empowered leadership at all levels.
- Passionate spirituality, inspiring worship and the commitment to stewardship.
- Reaching lost people locally and globally.
- Strong, godly families and loving relationships in our fellowship and community.
The church may adopt summary expressions of the mission, a mission statement (a “mission” statement), vision (a “vision” statement) and values which are consistent with this article.
Article III. Articles of Faith
The church accepts the Baptist Faith and Message statement, approved by the Southern Baptist Convention on May 9, 1963, as its Articles of Faith.
Article IV. Membership
Section 1. The membership of the church shall be composed of persons who have given evidence of scriptural regeneration, been scripturally baptized and received by vote of the church.
Section 2. A member of another Baptist church of like faith and order may be received by vote of the church, and a letter of transfer shall be requested.
Section 3. Anyone who has been a member of a Baptist church of like faith and order, and because of unusual circumstances has no regular letter of transfer, may be received by vote upon a statement satisfactory to the church. Consideration may also be given to receiving others by vote whose salvation and baptism conform to the church’s understanding of biblical standards.
Section 4. Letters of transfer may be granted to any church of like faith and order. When letters are granted, membership in the church shall cease.
Section 5. When a member of the church joins a church of different faith and order, membership in the church shall cease.
Section 6. Members are exected to be faithful in all the duties essential to the Christian life; to attend regularly the services of the church; to give regularly and generously to support its ministries; and to share in its organized work.
Section 7. Only members i attendance may vote in the business transactions of the church.
Article V. Meetings
Section 1. The church shall hold regular meetings for worship, prayer, teaching, training, fellowship and business transactions.
Section 2. Other meetings of the church as a whole or of authorized groups within the church shall be set according to the needs of the congregation.
Section 3. At any meeting of the church, any number of attendees, up to and including all attendees, may participate by means of remote communication if, in the judgment of the individual(s) authorized to convene the meeting, such remote communication will promote and facilitate greater attendance, participation and voting. Participation in a meeting by remote communication shall constitute presence in person at the meeting for all purposes including, without limitation, voting. Adequate and timely notice of the change to a remote meeting shall be given along with instructions for participation and voting in such a remote meeting.
The technology used for a remote meeting shall allow attendees full access to and full participation in all meeting transactions. Voting may be accomplished by, without limitation, voice vote, written ballots, and/or electronic transmissions either during the meeting or within a reasonable time thereafter. Reasonable measures shall be taken to authenticate the attendance and vote of each attendee. Any action that could be taken at an in-person meeting may also be taken at a remote meeting conducted pursuant to these provisions.
Article VI. Church Officers
Section 1. Officers: The officers of the church shall be a Lead Pastor, Deacons, Trustees, Clerk, Treasurer, pastoral staff and such other officers as required for the work of the church. All officers of the church shall serve at the pleasure of the church, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution.
Section 2. Election and Duties:
- Lead Pastor
The Lead Pastor shall be the spiritual leader and administrative head of the church; ex-officio member of all organizations and committees; and may call a special meeting of the Deacons or any committee according to procedures which may be set forth in the Bylaws. The Lead Pastor shall conduct worship services on stated and special occasions; administer the ordinances; minister to members of the church and community; and perform other duties as usually pertain to that office. The Lead Pastor shall have charge of the pulpit ministry of the church and arrange for workers to assist in revival meetings and other special services. The Lead Pastor shall preside at all meetings of the church except as otherwise provided in the Bylaws.
Whenever a vacancy occurs in the Lead Pastorate of the church, a Lead Pastor Search Committee of nine members shall be elected by the church from its membership after the Enlistment Committee submits its nominations to the church and recommends a chair. Opportunity shall be given for additional nominations. The Lead Pastor Search Committee shall further organize itself to seek and evaluate candidates and shall recommend a minister of the gospel whose Christian character and qualifications fit the office of Lead Pastor.
Pastoral leadership, including pulpit supply while a new pastor is being sought, shall be arranged by a special committee elected for that purpose. An interim pastor may be selected by the church upon recommendation of this special committee.
The election of a new Lead Pastor shall take place at a meeting especially set for that purpose after a minimum of six days’ notice to the church membership. The Lead Pastor Search Committee shall bring only one name at a time for consideration by the church and only after prior study and investigation which shall include a meeting of the proposed Lead Pastor and the congregation. Voting shall be by secret ballot with an affirmative vote of 80 percent of those present and voting necessary for election. Should the committee’s recommendation fail to receive an 80 percent affirmative vote, the committee shall seek and recommend another individual as Lead Pastor.
The Lead Pastor shall be called by the church to serve until the relationship is dissolved at the request of either the Lead Pastor or the church with both seeking to follow the will of God and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Should termination of the relationship be initiated by the church, the meeting at which such vote is taken shall be held only after a minimum of six days’ notice to the church membership. Voting shall be by secret ballot with dismissal requiring a majority of those present and voting. A notice of 30 days shall normally be given to terminate the relationship between the Lead Pastor and the church, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon.
- Deacons
The church shall elect and ordain as many Deacons as it may require from the membership who have proven themselves to have scriptural qualifications. A church-wide election will be organized by the Enlistment Committee. A ballot will be developed by the Enlistment Committee which lists the names of Deacons who are currently serving, as well as those who have been previously ordained but not serving. In addition, the ballot will allow for space for recommending church members who have not previously been ordained.
The ballot will require a signature of the person voting. Each church member will be eligible to cast one ballot.
For candidates who have previously been ordained:
- A committee member will contact the candidate and ask if that person is willing to serve.
- The Enlistment Committee, in consultation with the Lead Pastor, may counsel with the candidate.
- The Enlistment Committee will submit the candidate name as a nominee to the church at the appropriate business meeting.
Deacons shall at all times be servants of the church. They shall assist the Lead Pastor in ministering to the spiritual welfare of church members. With the Lead Pastor, and as the Holy Spirit may direct, they may consider and make recommendations concerning the spiritual welfare and ministry of the congregation. They shall hold regular meetings and organize as necessary to discharge their ministries. The Deacons shall elect annually their own officers. The Lead Pastor or the Deacon Chair may call the Deacons into special session.
The standing of “Deacon Emeritus” shall be established by the Deacon body, which shall recommend for church approval any Deacon who merits such status.
- Trustees
Trustees shall be elected by the church from its membership after the Enlistment Committee submits its nominations and opportunity is provided for additional nominations. There shall be seven Trustees. Term of office shall be for seven years with one elected each year. They shall elect their own officers – president, vice-president, and secretary. Vacancies may be filled at any time with the one Trustee elected to complete the unexpired term. After the completion of a full seven-year term, no Trustee shall be eligible for re-election until after the lapse of one year.
The Trustees shall, as provided by law and the action of the church, represent the church in all matters of legal responsibility regarding the purchase, improvement and disposal of church property. They shall execute all legal documents relating to the church as the church may direct, and as provided in the corporate charter. Trustees shall have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease or transfer any property of the church without a specific vote of the church authorizing such action, except that they shall have the power to sell marketable securities gifted to the church and will notify the Stewardship committee accordingly; neither shall they have any control over the use of church property except by vote of the church.
- Clerk
The Clerk shall be elected by the church from its membership after the Enlistment Committee submits its nomination and opportunity is provided for additional nominations. The person elected as Clerk shall serve a term of five years and shall not be eligible to serve a consecutive term. The Clerk shall attend or be represented at all church business meetings and shall keep accurate records of all business transactions. These records shall be considered the property of the church and shall be open to church members.
- Treasurer
The Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer shall be elected annually by the church from its membership after the Enlistment Committee submits nominations and opportunity is provided for additional nominations. Upon completion of no more than five consecutive years, the incumbents shall not be eligible for re-election until after the lapse of one year. It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer to receive, keep in a financial institution, and disburse by check upon the authorization of the church or its designated committees, all money of the church. The Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements. Quarterly reports shall be presented to the church. The financial records shall be audited annually and all records kept by the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer shall be considered the property of the church. The Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer shall, upon their invitation, meet with any officers or groups of the church. The Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer shall be ex-officio members without vote of the Stewardship Committee.
- Pastoral Staff
Those called by the church as pastoral staff, shall serve under the direction of the Lead Pastor as salaried employees. Responsibilities, duties and conditions of employment shall be set forth in connection with their call. When the church seeks to elect such a specialized minister, the Personnel Committee shall have the responsibility of bringing a recommendation to the church. Pastoral staff shall be called for an indefinite period of time, with a normal notice of two weeks given prior to dissolving the relationship by either the church or the pastoral staff member.
- Other Officers
Other officers required for the work of the church in any of its ministries shall be elected annually by the church from its membership after the Enlistment Committee submits its nominations and opportunity is provided for additional nominations.
- Vacancies
If a vacancy should occur for any reason among the Trustees or the officers of the church, the person to fill such position shall be elected by the church from its membership after the Enlistment Committee submits its nominations and opportunity is given for additional nominations. The person so elected shall hold office for the unexpired portion of the term of the predecessor in office and until a successor shall have been elected and qualified.
Article VII. General
Section 1. License. When a member has received a call to vocational church ministry, the church, by majority vote, may license that person as an acknowledgment of the call and as an encouragement to make preparation for ministry. The Clerk of the church shall furnish the member with a copy of the minutes and/or a certificate of license proof of the credential.
Section 2. Ordination. In the event the church has been requested to ordain a person who has been called to vocational church ministry, the church may by majority vote, proceed with ordination upon successful examination, training and orientation of the candidate.
Section 3. Cooperation with Associations, Conventions and Baptist Organizations. The church shall cooperate with any Baptist organization with whom the church agrees to mutually cooperate and may participate in these organizations through elected messengers.
Section 4. Property Holding. The securing and maintaining of real property, buildings and equipment by the church shall be for the express purpose of providing facilities for public worship and for the missionary, educational, benevolent and other ministries of the church. If a portion of the church shall determine to alter the quality of its beliefs and practices so as to substantially vary from the Articles of Faith as defined in this Constitution, all rights of ownership in the property of the church shall belong to that part of the congregation which agrees to continue to use the property for the purpose for which it was purchased and has been used.
Section 5. Endowment Fund. The church shall maintain an endowment fund to operate under a charter adopted by the church. The charter shall not be contrary to the laws of the United States or of Missouri, to this constitution, or to the Bylaws of the church. The charter may be amended only by the same procedure as for amending this constitution.
Article VIII. Adoption and Amendments
Section 1. This constitution shall be adopted and in effect after an affirmative vote by two-thirds of the members present at a business meeting. This vote shall be taken at least thirty days after presentation of the Constitution in a business meeting.
Section 2. In order to ensure the perpetual use of the property of this church in causes consistent with the principles of historic Baptists, any change in the Articles of Faith (Article III) of this church shall be consistent with the Baptist Faith and Message (1963). This section (Article VIII, Section 2) and Article VII, Section 4, shall not be amended in any other way.
Section 3. Any other part of this Constitution may be amended or repealed by a two-thirds vote at any business meeting of the church. Written notice or such amendment or repeal must be presented to the church in business session at least thirty days prior to the business meeting at which the vote is taken. This Constitution shall be reviewed and revised, as necessary.
* * * *
Article I. Meetings.
Section 1.
Section 2.
Section 3.
Section 4.
Article II. Officers.
Article III. Standing Committees and Ministry Teams.
Section 1.
Section 2.
Section 3.
Section 4.
Article IV. Special Committees.
Article V. Adoptions and Amendments.
Section 1.
Section 2.
Article I. Meetings
Section 1. Regular worship services of the church shall be held on Sunday and on Wednesday evening, unless otherwise agreed upon by the church. The Lord’s Supper shall be observed at least once a quarter.
Section 2. The church shall hold regular business meetings quarterly. Special business meetings may be called by the Lead Pastor, the Chair of the Deacons or by a petition of 100 or more resident members, provided notice of the time, place and purpose of the meeting is given to the congregation at least one regular worship service in advance of the meeting. The Lead Pastor shall serve as moderator of the business meetings of the church. In the Lead Pastor’s absence, or upon the Lead Pastor’s request, the Chair of the Deacons, or other person elected by the church, may serve as moderator. The most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall serve as the basis for business procedures.
Section 3. The Lead Pastor may call a special meeting of the Deacons or any committee after attempting notice to affected members.
Section 4. If any person seeks to disrupt or to interfere with any church meeting, the Lead Pastor or other members shall take action as appropriate.
Article II. Officers
All officers of the church and its organizations, unless otherwise specified by the Constitution or the Bylaws, shall be elected by the church from its membership for a term of one year. The term of office may be extended at the request of the Enlistment Committee and a majority vote of members attending a church meeting. All terms are effective January 1, after the Enlistment Committee submits its nominations and opportunity is given for additional nominations.
Article III. Standing Committees and Ministry Teams
Section 1. Number of Committees and Ministry Teams. The church shall commission from its membership such standing committees and ministry teams as necessary to carry on the ministries and programs of the church, in accordance with the latest organizational plan and ministries adopted by the church.
Section 2. Members and chairs of all committees shall be elected by the church from its membership after the Enlistment Committee submits its nominations and opportunity is given for additional nominations.
Section 3. Election of Committees. Committee members shall be elected for a term of three years with one-third of the number being elected each year. After completion of a full three-year term, the committee member shall be ineligible to serve on that particular committee until after the lapse of one year. The term of service may be extended at the request of the Enlistment Committee and a majority vote of members attending a church meeting.
Section 4. Each committee and ministry team shall be responsible to keep the church informed as to its significant transactions and notable accomplishments in addition to any other duties or responsibilities imposed herein or in the Constitution.
Article IV. Special Committees
Special committees shall be named for specific purposes as desired by the church. These committees and their chair shall be elected by the church from its membership after the Enlistment Committee submits its nominations and opportunity is given for additional nominations. Special committees shall not exercise the functions of a standing committee.
Article V. Adoption and Amendments
Section 1. These Bylaws shall be adopted and in effect after an affirmative vote by a majority of the members present at a business meeting. This vote shall be taken at least 30 days after presentation of the Bylaws in a business meeting.
Section 2. Any part of these Bylaws may be amended or repealed by majority vote at any business meeting of the church. Written notice of such amendment or repeal must be presented to the church in business session at least 30 days prior to the business meeting at which the vote is taken.