Mission America Offering (April)

Mission America offeringMission America Offering       2017 Goal: $5,000

During the month of April, we collect a special offering for missions in America. There are three options for you to give financial support to as you support the work of sharing the love of Christ throughout the United States.


Together for Hope: Rural Poverty Initiative
(Cooperative Baptist Fellowship)

Together for Hope is a long-term commitment to working with people in 20 of the nation’s poorest counties in
order to affect change and break the cycle of economic disparity. The ministry is about establishing long-term relationships, listening, learning and walking alongside local leaders. The hope is that communities will be transformed as will the churches and individuals who serve in these focal counties.
Go to Together for Hope (www.cbf.net/missions/ministries/togetherforhope) for more information.

NABFNorth American Baptist Fellowship
(Baptist General Convention of Missouri)
The NABF is one of the six regional fellowships of the Baptist World Alliance. It represents a diverse Baptist family in the US and Canada of approximately 18 million people of many different races and ethic backgrounds. We are committed to working together to strengthen each other and ministry
around the world through prayer, networking, sharing resources, and cooperative ministry ventures.
Go to www.churchnet.org for more information.

Annie ArmstrongAnnie Armstrong Offering through the North American Mission Board
(Southern Baptist Convention)
North American missionaries serve throughout the US in a variety of ways. Whether it is starting a new church, meeting the needs of the homeless, leading worship at a ski resort, or leading Back Yard Bible Clubs, missionaries depend on the faithful prayers and generosity of Southern Baptists.
Go to www.anniearmstrong.com for more information.