Tornado Relief

The outpouring of love in our community is as deep as it is wide. Many have asked how they can help, how they can give and contribute. We have an opportunity to live out our mission:

We WELCOME warmly, GROW faithfully & SERVE generously; leading people into LIFE-GIVING relationships with Christ and each other.

You may be asking  How can I help?  What can I do?


  • Give to our church disaster relief fund. Simply designate your giving as such.
  • Give to Common Ground who is coordinating with other agencies to provide assistance toward rent, deposits, and utilities for those displaced.
  • Give to the Red Cross or our local United Way of Central MO.


  • Volunteer through the United Way or Samaritan’s Purse.
  • Contact the church office (email or 573.634.3603) if you wish to be added to a list of volunteers to be contacted as needs and work arise. We’re in this for the long haul.


  • Let’s continue to worship together each Sunday in the gym as we pray for our community and proclaim the hope of Jesus Christ in the midst of the storms. We always need each other and God, but especially in days like these.