2018 Sermon Schedule

Below are sermons schedule for 2018. Watch, listen to or download sermons by clicking on the date below, or previous years on the Sermon Archive page, where you’ll find schedules for:  2015   2016   2017   2018    2019    2020    2021    2022    2023

  • Watch the sermon video. Or listen to the message or right-click on “Download the MP3” and select “Save Link As”
  • The “Download the Sermon” button Lets you download a sermon transcript in PDF form with audio and video links
  • A link to the key Scripture passage is also included (both NRSV translation and The Message paraphrase).
  • Messages can also be found on our Facebook page and YouTube channel, along with devotions and and children’s videos

Want to purchase or borrow a recording? CDs and DVDs of the service are available for purchase by contacting the church office. Audio and video recordings are available for checkout through our media center.

January 7-28, 2018 Sermon Series:
The (Second) Greatest Love Story Ever Told
Resources: The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri J.M. Nouwen
The Prodigal God by Timothy Keller
(Both are also available through the church media library.)
January 7 Everyone’s in This Story Luke 15:11-32
There is no place like home and no drama quite like finding it.
January 14 The Younger Son Luke 15:11-32
Our rebellion, shame and self-hatred imprison us until we turn for home.
January 21 The Older Son Luke 15:11-32
Good people aren’t always nice people.
January 28 The Father Luke 15:11-32
God’s love is patient, fierce and much more than we think it is.
February 4 God’s Refreshing Presence  Isaiah 40:21-31
Good news for weary souls…God lifts us on eagles’ wings.
Lord’s Supper served (More about the Lord’s Supper)
February 11 Jesus Shines Brighter 2 Corinthians 4:3-6
Jesus Christ is unequalled in his capacity to transform life, even into eternity.
February 18-March 25 Lenten Sermon Series
Love’s Sorrow
February 18 Grieving Our Sin and Shame Lamentations 1:1-12,16
Only when we name the present reality of sin and its consequences can there be grace.
February 25 Celebration: Associate Pastor of Worship Rod Maples’s 20th Anniversary
March 4 Grieving Our Broken World  Lamentations 2:1-9; 4:4-6
Perhaps communal tears must come before we can ever find answers to our local and global maladies.
March 11 Grieving Our Many Losses  Lamentations 3:1-24
Life is a series of losses; grief accumulates.
March 18 Grieving Our Way to Deeper Faith  Lamentations 3:25-36, 55-57
Only when the floodgate of tears opens up are we able to make room for God’s comfort and the Spirit’s new work
March 25 In the Shadow of the Cross—Worship in Minor Key Lamentations 5:1-22
At the Cross, we wait for God to redeem all our suffering.
April 1 Easter Sunday
Resurrection—Love’s Great Reversal Acts 10:34-43
Lord’s Supper served (More about the Lord’s Supper)
April 8 Youth Sunday
Sharing messages: Marie Gillam, Burke Craighead and Hanna Watson
April 15 Turn Around! Acts 3:12-21
Repentance is always the way back to God and authentic living.
April 22 Loving Through Words and Deeds  1 John 3:16-24
Our works of love in Jesus’ name are our loudest sermons.
April 29 Mission JC: Being the church in the city
May 6 Special Sunday of Shared Worship with Familia Cristiana Internacional (FCI)
Speaker: FCI Pastor Noah Angel
May 13-27 Sermon Series
Twisted Love—Family Secrets, Lies and Heartaches
Domestic Violence, Abuse, Rape and Trauma resources can be found here
or downloaded as a PDF handout. Access sermons on our archives page.
May 13 Bullies and Controllers (Mother’s Day) 2 Samuel 12:1-10
When one person’s power and privilege dominate the family, abusive relationships follow.
May 20 Surviving Rape and Abuse (Pentecost Sunday) 2 Samuel 13:1-19
Perpetrators of sexual and physical abuse must be named and exposed and victims must be given space to heal.
May 27 Silent, Seething Anger  2 Samuel 13:20-39
Unspoken and unresolved anger can rip families apart.
June 3 Summer Music Celebration
Lord’s Supper served (More about the Lord’s Supper)
June 10 When I Am in Deep Trouble  Psalm 138
God’s grip on us is stronger in tough times.
Message: Melissa Hatfield
Some resources were mentioned in this message: The National Suicide Prevention Hotline is 1-800-273-TALK (8255), or for any crisis, text HOME to 741741 to get response from someone who cares.
June 17 Living for the Right Stuff  2 Corinthians 5:6-10
Eternity provides a helpful perspective for weighing priorities.
June 24 No Good Deed Goes Unpunished  2 Corinthians 6:1-13
Doing Christ’s work is not easy, and serving brings suffering.
July 1 Joy Comes in the Morning  Psalm 30:1-5
After a night of fear and terror, morning brings a sweetness and joy.
July 8 The Frightening Power of “No”  Mark 6:1-13
God has endowed us with a terrifying freedom of choice, to reject Jesus’ presence and work if we so choose.
Message: Hannah Coe
July 15 When Kingdoms Clash  Mark 6:14-29
Obedience to God inevitably leads to a struggle for allegiance and a clash of values.
July 22 No Longer Strangers and Aliens  Ephesians 2:11-22
In the Cross of Christ, God fashions a family stronger than human divisions.
July 29 Our Prayers Are Too Small Ephesians 3:14-21
Paul models for us a deeper and more powerful way to pray for people we love.
August 5 Whoever Comes Will Never Hunger  John 6:24-35
The world offers empty spiritual calories; Jesus offers nourishment.
Lord’s Supper served (More about the Lord’s Supper)
August 12-September 2 Sermon Series
God’s Liberating Love
August 12 Why Stuck-Up Religious People Need Grace  Galatians 1:6-24
Spiritual pride may be the deadliest of all sins.
August 19 Overcoming Our Perfection Addiction  Galatians 2:19-3:6
How foolish, to try to score points and earn God’s love.
August 26 In Christ—Leaving Behind Our Us-Them Ways  Galatians 3:23-29
Belonging to Christ is our highest, noblest identity.
September 2 Freedom from Judging Others and Being Judged  Galatians 4:12-20; 6:11-15
Grace for our struggles with self-worth, boundaries and hyper-critical spirits.
September 9-30 Sermon Series
Learning to Love God’s Way
September 9 Without Love, It’s All Just Hot Air  1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Without love, our very best efforts evaporate.
September 16 Love Has a Secret Energy Source  1 Corinthians 13:4-8a
With Christ’s power, love nouns become love verbs.
September 23 Love Is the End Game  1 Corinthians 13:8b-13
Love will still be present when history ends and all else disappears.
September 30 Love Is Not a Plaque on the Wall  1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Christ is calling us to become a laboratory of love.
October 7 Jesus, The Imprint of God’s Being  Hebrews 1:1-4
Jesus is everything God has to say to us.
Lord’s Supper served (More about the Lord’s Supper)
October 14 The God of Also  Acts 10:34-35
A Conversation on Race with Guest speaker: Dr. Terrell Carter
Presentation PDFs: Roots of Racial Division
Discussion on Multiracial/Multiethnic Congregations
October 21 Love’s Call to Serve  Mark 10:35-45
God’s love requires that we let go of our egos and put others’ needs first.
October 28 Love’s Call to See  Mark 12:28-34
God’s love requires that we let go of our way of seeing and ask for Jesus’ eyes.
November 4-18 Sermon Series
Loving God Through Faithful Giving
November 4 Loving God’s Creation  Genesis 1:1-26; 2:15; Jeremiah 2:7
God holds us accountable for the stewardship of all creation.
See additional scripture passages about caring for God’s creation.
November 11 Loving God and Neighbor  Deuteronomy 6:1-12
Loving God and neighbor require concrete actions.
November 18 Loving God’s Mission  Romans 15:20-29
Coming into a relationship with Christ means we take on his passion through sacrificially giving.
November 25 Prophet, Priest and King  Revelation 1:1-8
The church is always nourished by Jesus Christ, who fulfills his divine roles.
December 2-23 Advent Sermon Series
Christmas Thieves
December 2 Christmas Joy
Christmas Musical featuring Orchestra and Adult Choir
Lord’s Supper served (More about the Lord’s Supper)
December 9 Busyness — Partying Without Celebration  Luke 21:34-38
Overstuffed holiday schedules rob us of joy, peace and time for reflection.
December 16 Shallowness — Church Without Life Change Luke 3:1-14
Are we paying lip service to the spiritual meaning of the season or truly keeping Christ at the center?
December 23 Loneliness — Crowds Without Connection  Luke 1:39-45
Holy seasons only become rich when they are experienced in community.
December 30 Christmas–The Sequel  Luke 2:15-21